Friday 4 April 2014

EU acrosport coreography

As this video shows, today we have made an acrosport coreography. Each one of us represented a different country based on the flag that we were wearing on our T-shirts.

During all the coreography, and as a comparison with the history of the European Union, the member states have been relating to others and have done diverse acrobatic elements (representing the kind of relationship and its purposes).

Finally, a pyramid represents the union of all the European countries that nowadays conform the EU (As a metaphor, since there were some countries left). In this part we want to emphasize one of its main features: the fragility; if one of the countries fall, they all sink. A good foundation constitutes an unbreakable structure, you just have to find the right way to achieve that. "Unity makes strength". Let's fight together for a powerful European Union!

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